Sunday Pre-Conference Tours

Blue Mountains Fungal Foray

Price & Inclusions

$70 AUD
Coach transfers
Full Day Tour

Field Trip Leads

Jordan Bailey

Michael Priest

Isobel Colson

Kick off your conference experience with a journey into Sydney’s stunning Blue Mountains, where we’ll explore the fascinating world of fungi! Join us for a guided foray excursion through the beautiful Blue Mountains, led by local experts eager to share their knowledge of wild fungi species. This one-of-a-kind adventure promises not only breathtaking scenery but also hands-on learning as we identify, collect, and discuss the ecological significance of fungi in Australia’s diverse landscapes.

After lunch we will head to the Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan, for a tour of the new National Herbarium of New South Wales and Australian PlantBank. 

The group will be splitting to cover two different trails. Sassafras Gully is considered ‘hard’ with some deep steps and rocky terrain. Birdwood Gully is an easier option for those that want less of a challenge.

Preview the trails here:

Moderate option

Easier option


8am - Departure from ICC
9am - Sassafras Gully/Birdwood Gully
12pm - Lunch
2pm - Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan
4pm - Arrive back to ICC

Forest Pathology Walk

Price & Inclusions

$15 AUD
Expert Guided Tour

Field Trip Leads

Angus Carnegie

Matt Laurence


1.00pm - Meet at Domain entrance to gardens
(Art Gallery Rd, opposite the new Art Gallery of NSW building)

1:10pm - PlantClinic Tour

1.30pm - Tour of gardens

3.30pm Finish at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair

Urban forests are often the first location exotic pests and pathogens arrive into a new country. Early detection is essential to effective response and eradication.

Join us at the Royal Botanic Garden to observe how we conduct surveillance for early detection of invading biosecurity threats. This includes surveillance of sentinel trees and monitoring of insect traps to catch exotic arrivals (what a location for a day job!).

We will also visit the PlantClinic disease diagnostic laboratory, and test an in-field (LAMP) diagnostic tool for exotic strains of myrtle rust. Expect a leisurely stroll around the gardens looking at trees and talking about biosecurity with some of Australia’s foremost experts.